Horse Health Lines: Summer 2008
The Summer 2008 issue of Horse Health Lines is now available online. Please click here to download your own copy of the Equine Health Research Fund’s publication. Here’s an overview of what you will find in this issue:
• EHRF COVERS THE WEST: Read all about the Equine Health Research Fund’s latest promotions and how you can support the College’s matching gift incentive program for equine health research.
• AKIN TO THE FUND: Dr. Jeremy Bailey, WCVM’s associate dean, academic, has shared a special kinship with the Equine Health Research Fund for nearly 30 years.
• DIGGIN’ DEEP: The EHRF has dug deep to provide five equine health research teams with nearly $70,000 in research funding for 2008-09.
• CARPAL SPAVIN SURGERY, FINE TUNED: Equine surgeons fine tune a technique for treating carpal spavin in horses.
• RESEARCH SHEDS NEW LIGHT ON NIGHT BLINDNESS: Findings from a WCVM study show a definite association between CSNB and particular coat patterns in Appaloosa horses.
• STRAIGHT FROM THE HORSE’S MOUTH: Veterinary dentist Dr. James Anthony reflects on equine dentistry and a glimpse of its future.
• KEY FACTS ABOUT EHV: Learn how you can help to control the spread of equine herpes virus type 1 (EHV-1) among horse herds.
• GALLOPING GAZETTE: Catch up on the latest horse health news at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine.