EHRF Fellow: Dr. Jenny Kelly
Originally from Hawaii, Dr. Jenny Kelly grew up knowing that she wanted to be a veterinarian: “I was always the kid who rescued baby birds that fell out of the next, the one who brought home stray cats and dogs and cared for them.”
Kelly received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree from Purdue University’s School of Veterinary Medicine in 2002, then completed a one-year internship at the Surgicare Horse Center in Brandon, Fla. After finishing her internship, Kelly stayed on for an additional year to gain even more field experience with the clinic’s ambulatory emergency equine care group.
In 2004, Kelly came to WCVM to begin her Master of Veterinary Science degree program and a surgical residency in the College’s Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences. As part of her program, Kelly is working on an EHRF-sponsored research project that evaluates the use of lidocaine to prevent post-operative damage in colic patients.
Based on her performance during the first year of her program, Kelly was selected as the 2005-06 EHRF Research Fellow — a distinction that provides full financial support for her residency. In 2006, the Fund’s advisory board and management committee recommended that that Kelly’s fellowship be renewed for one more year.
For more information about Dr. Jenny Kelly and her lidocaine research study, visit Horse Health Lines (Summer 2006).